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CrossFit WOD
To view the daily WOD schedule: Click HERE.
A CrossFit WOD (Workout of the Day) is held in a small group setting with one or more coaches.
Coaches are a key component of your CrossFit experience continually offering encouragement and insight into how you can make improvements to your movement and remain safe. We are fortunate to have an outstanding group of coaches who truly care and work closely with each and every member.
Our members come from all walks of life and are represented by all ages and abilities. The peer to peer support and encouragement provided by this community is nothing short of amazing!
WODs are held throughout the day on weekdays and weekends.





Randy at Master's Competition.

Gretel and future Crossfitter!

High pull for Jill.

Burpees for Jessica.

Lars is on the ropes!
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