Are you a CrossFitter visiting Laramie?
We love having visitors at CrossFit 7220. As long as you are a current member at an Affiliated CrossFit Gym from anywhere around the world, you can drop in to any of our classes. No need to contact us beforehand. Just arrive a few minutes early to meet the coach. Please sign a waiver online before arriving.
Be sure to check out our schedule to find a time that is right for you.
Contact us if visiting around holidays so we can let you know of any changes in the schedule.
Visiting for 1 to 3 days: Classes are Free!
Visiting for 4 to 7 days: Bring in a Gift Card of your choice for the coach! You pick the amount.
Visiting for longer than a week: If you'll be in Laramie for an extended period and would like to attend multiple WOD's, please contact us. We'd love to have you in the box!