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  • kmetzm

New Thursday Schedule!

We have many options to escape the cold air on Thursday!

We will hold regular WOD's (instead of ROM WODs) at:

5:00 am

11:00 am

4:30 pm

6:30 pm (Oly Club)

ROM WOD's will be held at:

6:00 am ROM WOD (in garage) *no open gym at this time

noon *open gym also available where ROM WOD is not being played

5:30 pm *open gym also available where ROM WOD is not being played

If your schedule allows, you are welcome to attend a regular workout followed by a ROM WOD. You can also attend both a regular WOD and Oly Club in the same day. Heck you can sign up for all 3 on Thursdays! Just be sure to reserve a spot on Wodify for any class you wish to attend.

Remember, mobility is a vital component of fitness for recovery, injury prevention, and a prerequisite for building strength. We will always include mobility as part of our movement prep and cool down class components and emphasize the importance of athletes addressing additional mobility limitations and maintenance outside of class time. We hope you'll continue attending ROM WOD's when you can. We hope to also use our new space to allow athletes to play ROM WOD's any day of the week!

Oly Club is a class focusing on Olympic Lifting and accessory strength training. Any level of lifter is welcome to attend!

We also cannot talk about recovery, injury prevention, and building strength without stressing the importance of rest days. With a large membership with varying workout schedules it's not possible to select or force a certain rest day on everyone. While we offer WOD's 7 days/week, we adamentaly discourage anyone from attending everyday. Every athlete must find an on/off schedule that works best for their body and their life. For some, it's 3 days on, 1 day off. For others, it may be M,W,F or 5 days on and weekends off. This schedule can then also vary depending on your body's response to each workout. Our trainers are always willing to discuss this with you and make recommendations based on how you are feeling, performing, and recovering.

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