Hey Gang, It's almost GO-time!
Please be sure to read through the materials we've provided in your email (also below). Most of your questions will be answered if you do!
Here is what you need to know to get started:
1. Registration for the challenge is closed but if you already registered and have not recieved your Dexa Scan--- there are only a few spots left this Sunday, sign up now!
2. Read this Flexible Dieting Information document.
( Same document is HERE as pdf)
The Flexible Dieting Document contains:
step by step instructions to get started with Flex Dieting
calculations to determine your optimal macronutrient and caloric intake ** Click here to link to the online calculator so you can plug in your numbers and save you time calculating (if this is your first Nutrition Challenge, we suggest leaving the "goal multiplier" at 0.)
helpful hints
a link to a My Fitness Pal / Flex Diet tutorial
information on nutrient timing
4. Calculate your daily intake goals
Once you've calculated your daily calorie and macronutrient goals (see link to online calculator above**) you'll need to enter those numbers into MFP:
on the bottom right click: "more" ----> "goals"---->"nutrition goals: Calorie & Macronutrient Goals.
Enter in your daily calorie goal and the macronutrient percentages (you'll have to round to nearest 5 using free app - no big deal!) If this is your first Nutrition Challenge we suggest plugging in your calorie goal and then using 40% Carb, 30% Pro, 30% Fat.
5. Download the "Free" version of My Fitness Pal (MFP) app from the app store onto your smart phone.

Turn off the "step counter" (click "more"----> "steps", make sure it says "Do not track steps" then be sure to NOT enter in exercise each day and do not link it to activity trackers such as FitBits! We are only using MFP for food tracking (we've already accounted for activity in your calculation.)
Also in MFP: go to "more", "settings"---->"sharing and privacy"---->"diary sharing" and select "public" or "friends only" so that your buddies and others who are helping you out can see your intake! (don't try to hide!)
5. Assemble your Nutrition Challenge Team!
We'd like you to find 2 other Nutrition Challenge "buddies". They may even be people you don't know. Try to have at least one of your buddies to be a Nutrition Challenge veteran so they can help answer your questions and give you pointers. You'll be more successful if you do this with others! Make sure you have cell numbers so you can check in with each other and send some motivational texts. Also be sure to "friend" each other on My Fitness Pal so you can keep each other accountable for logging food regularly. If you need another buddy (or two) go to our facebook page "7220 Nutrition" and let everyone know you are looking for a buddy or are willing to be one!
6. Pre-challenge workout
We will program a workout (to be repeated in 6 weeks) for Saturday 9/30 and Monday 10/02 at all regularly scheduled WOD's on those days. (Monday's classes will have another WOD option for those who already did it on Saturday). If you are not a member of CrossFit 7220, you are welcome to drop in and do the workout at any class on Saturday or Monday. See Schedule here.
7. Check your inbox regularly!
Emails will be sent through Eventbrite. Also check in to our facebook page 7220 Nutrition often!