Do you have any of the following goals for this summer?
Run a local race
Complete an ultra-marathon
Finish the Laramie Enduro
Improve your time for the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, or Marathon
Learn to Swim
Compete in your first triathlon
Improve your metabolic conditioning
Did you know we can help you design a custom program that combines CrossFit with specific endurance training? Work with Derek Mitchum to create a challenging and fun plan that will help you achieve your goals.
Each week, all members will have new options for joining us for Endurance specific WODs.
Stadium Stairs
Track workouts
Swim Lessons
Mountain Bike rides
Road Bike rides
You can reserve a spot for an endurance WODs on Wodify (currently on Thursdays).
Contact if you'd like set up a one-on-one endurance planning session.