Thanks to everyone who participated in this years challenge! It was a huge success! Even if your name isn't listed below, you are a winner for striving toward positive change! We hope with each challenge you develop a better awareness of your own nutrition with tools to improve your eating habits long term.

Thanks to Derek and Marci Smith, Asa Hoover, Kinsey Ashby and UW Kinesiology Department for all their work with pre/post assessments! We are so grateful for their involvement each year!
Thanks also to the 2018 Nutrition Challenge Sponsors:
Brown and Gold
All Terrain Sports
Sports Locker
Azteca Designs Boutique (Heidi Williams)
Big Hollow
134 participants joined the Nutrition Challenge, 99 completed post-test assessments.
Of the 99:
288 total pounds lost
70 total inches off waists - 39 inches off hips
52 pounds of total lean mass gained.
64% of all participants had both a reduction in body fat AND a gain in lean mass!
Top 6 winners in each category: will have their name on a new assault bike
Top Relative Body Fat % Loss:
1. Abby Filokski
2. Brooke Spicer (also most absolute % lost of females)
3. Shelly Fedderson
4. Erin Swingholm
5. Jamie Fisher
1. Tie! Aaron Murray / Frank Nelson (there will be a Frank Nelson/Aaron Murray Bike)
(Frank also lost most absolute BF % of males: 4.9%)
2. Cody Perkins
3. Nathan Haynes
4. Brandon Snelson
Most Lean Mass Gained:
1. Brooke Spicer
2. Abby Filokski
3. Wendy Warren
4. Kim Westbrook
5. Gwen Halfman
1. Eric Higbee
2. Eric Worden
3. Jacob Fenolia
4. Zac Fisher 5. Josh Dorrell
Most Weight Lost:
1. Amy Fenolia
2. Shelly Fedderson
3. Brooke Spicer **also the female with most lean mass gain!
4. Marcia Peterson 5. Erin Swingholm
1. Matt Goetz
2. Joseph Papineau
3. Cody Perkins
4. John Stark
5. Frank Nelson (also lost most absolute BF % of males: 4.9%)
Waist Circumference Loss:
1. tie! Amy Fenolia / Shelly Fedderson
2. Brooke Spicer
3. Ashli Tomisch
4. Jamie Fisher
1. Matt Goetz
2. John Stark
3. Joseph Papineau
4. Nathan Haynes
5. Cody Perkins
Others who scored high in many categories:
Yvette Haeberle
Ashli Tommisch
Marty Mckinney
Joseph Papinequ
Cody Perkins
Most Points Logged:
1. Brooke Spicer
2. Gwen Halfman
3. Pennie Weir
4. Kate Bieber
5. Chris Aneiros