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CrossFit 7220 Holiday Schedule Changes


There will be plenty of chances to get your WODs in over the holidays. We are only closed on Christmas and New Years Day. See below for a few other classes that won't be held. These changes have been made on Wodify, so if you stay in the habit of reserving your spot, you'll be sure to only show up when classes or open gym is being held.


12/23: No 8:00 am or 1:30 classes

December 16 - January 6th: No 1:30 pm WODs

Open Gym 3:00 - 5:00 pm

Barbell Club:

Thursday 6:30 pm class will not be held December 20th - January 3rd

Barbell Club (Oly with Devin): no class Christmas Day and New Years Day

Student Group: (Thursdays 7:30 pm)

no class December 20th - January 24th


No Kids classes during the remainder of December and January. Pre-school / elementary classes will resume the week of February 4th.


No classes December 14th - January 3rd

Classes will resume January 8th.

Open Gym:

No 1-3 pm open gym December 24 - January 4th. Other open gym times canceled when there is no class scheduled. Just check Wodify as usual!

R&R with the Levi's:

no class 12/27 (there will be a 5:30 WOD on that Thursday)

Christmas Eve (12/24):

Classes at 7:00 and 8:00 am only (6:00 am Slamdown)

New Years Eve 12/31):

Classes at 6:00 am, noon, and 5:30 pm only

December 25th and January 1st:

Closed: No Classes!

December 26th:

WODs at 12:00 pm, 5:30 pm

December 27 - 28th:

WODs at 6:00 am, noon, 5:30 pm

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