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Nicole Bleak


Below is an updated statewide health order for gyms effective May 15th, 2020.

(**) indicates changes from the previous order and new action is underlined so you can quickly identify what will change.

The following is a list of restrictions outlined by state government officials under the advisement of the Wyoming Department of Health. Underneath each is a description of how CrossFit 7220 will specifically comply in order to allow use of the gym and equipment while keeping our athletes and community safe.

“Gymnasiums may re-open or continue to operate in a limited capacity, under the following restrictions enforced by staff of the facility:”

**1. Staff that come within 6 feet of customers or other staff members must wear face coverings.

All CF 7220 coaches will wear a mask or covering over their mouth and nose when less than 6 feet of others. Athletes are not required to wear masks.

2. Staff must be screened at the beginning of their shift for symptoms of illness and must be screened for exposure to a person with COVID-19 in the past 14 days. Staff with symptoms of illness or known exposure to a person with COVID-19 in the last 14  days are not allowed to work.

All CF 7220 coaches will be instructed on self-screening for symptoms prior to their shift.

CF 7220 coaches will not work (or workout) if they have symptoms or known exposure. We, of course, expect the same from athletes. 

4. The facility must maintain a record of customer usage, by date and time and recored of staff working hours in the event contact tracing is necessary. Sanitizing measures must be taken on the instruments used for recored keeping between use.

CF 7220 will continue utilizing Wodify which tracks all of the above data. It is important that athletes reserve a spot for the hour they will be attending the gym in order to track attendance as well as control the amount of people in the gym each hour. Those that show up without reserving a spot will not be permitted to stay if the gym is already at capacity. If athletes sign up and have a change of plans, we ask that they please cancel at least 2 hours in advance in order to allow someone else to take their spot.

5. Close-contact group activities, including close-contact sports, are prohibited. **Personal training is permitted.

Coaches will not use tactile cues. Weightlifting that requires spotting will not be permitted. Foundations sessions will resume with social distancing in place.

6. Workout equipment must be no less than 6 ft. apart (preferable 10 feet apart) and be cleaned by staff between uses.

No sharing of any equipment. No partner or team workouts. Mobile equipment must be brought to the athlete’s workout space and used in that space until workout is complete. Workout spaces 9 feet apart have been labeled on the floor. When using a pull-up bar or rings at the rig, athletes must position themselves 6 feet apart. Spots on the rig cannot be shared. Climbing ropes and sandbags will not be used until further notice. Communal chalk buckets will not be used (each athlete will have a labeled ziplock bag of chalk they can keep in their bag or leave at the gym). 

Cleaning of equipment: Patrons will clean equipment and any other surfaces touched. Coaches will do additional cleaning after each gym session during the 15 minute buffer between sessions.

7. Handwashing/hand santizer must be readily available.

All athletes must wash hands or apply hand sanitizer upon entering the gym. There will be hand sanitizer available throughout the gym in addition to the 5 handwashing stations. Athletes should be mindful of items touched other than gym equipment such as water cooler, door handles, whiteboards and markers.

**8. Group workout classes are permitted, provided that at all times, patrons can remain 6 feet away from other participants of the class. Class size should be limited to 25 participants.

CF 7220 classes will be capped at 21 participants based on space and distancing in the gym. Athletes still need reserve a spot for classes. Classes will be led by a coach to stretch and warm-up but must do this in their designated workout spot (vs. circling up). Athletes need to leave at the end of the hour so the next athletes can enter the facility. To avoid large groups of athletes crossing paths between gym sessions, there will be at least a 15 minute buffer between sessions. Those wanting to primarily lift or do a different workout than what is suggested should sign up for use of the garage space. 

9. Overall number of patrons cannot exceed 1 person per 120 square feet and patrons must maintain physical distancing during their workout.

There is 5,271 square feet of workout space at CF 7220.

21 athletes will be permitted to use the gym each hour (this allows 251 square feet of space for each athlete which is more than double the minimum requirement).  

21 athletes x 120 square feet = 2,520 square feet  (less than half of the overall workout space)

**10. Signage must be posted at entrance reminding customer not to enter if they have any symptoms of COVID-19.

Sign Is posted on front door.

Important Additional Notes:

SCHEDULING: As noted above YOU MUST RESERVE A SPOT to attend a structured gym session. **PLEASE NOTE: Many session times are slightly different than class times offered in the past along with the addition of new times. If a structured gym session in the main gym is full, sign-ups to use the back space are under the program heading "Garage Session" in the Wodify Class Schedule.

PROCEED WITH CAUTION: The suggested workouts we program and post will intentionally be low volume. Athletes should make further adjustments to the workout parameters to avoid extreme soreness or injury. Even athletes who've been doing regular home workouts may need to scale down workouts and/or take additional rest days in order to ease into gym workouts again. Coaches are available during each gym session to help personalize workouts for each athlete.

**DROP-INS: Those with CrossFit experience may drop-in to any workout but may be turned away if the class is full (21). Those without CrossFit experience may drop-in on Saturdays but also may be turned away if the class is full.


We will be starting a structured strength and conditioning class for teens Monday 5/18 that will run every M/W 9:45 am -10:45 am.

-Teens entering 7th-12th grade this fall may attend.

-Teens MUST sign up in advance so we can control numbers.

-Teens who attend must comply with social distancing rules. Please do not allow your teen to attend if you feel this would be difficult for them. Teens who do not comply with social distancing will be asked to not return.

Email info@crossfit7220 if your teen would like to attend so we can create them a log-in to Wodify.

We will avoid gathering groups of young kids together at the gym. It is unrealistic to expect youngsters to maintain social distance and for our staff to keep track of everything they touch. We hope to bring pre-school and K- 6th grade Healthy Kids Rx classes back in late summer or fall, but until then we will not be permitting youngsters into the gym. We know that it can be tough for parents to get to the gym when kids are at home and not in school, but at least for the short-term, kids are not allowed to hang out while mom and dad are at the gym.

Athletes 18 years and older who have a monthly membership or punch card (and CrossFit experience) may attend gym sessions that they reserve a spot for. 

**SENIORS: There will continue to be 2 special sessions per week (T/TH 9:30 am) for older individuals to attend. We ask that others do not attend these sessions in order to protect this population. Healthy seniors who have regular contact with anyone at high risk should still avoid attending these sessions. All seniors should wear a face covering when entering/exiting the facility and their workout space (they do not need to wear it during their workout). To sign up for this session, select "CrossFit Seniors" under Programs in the Wodify Class Schedule.

FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: If your income has been adversely affected by COVID-19, please contact us so we can discuss options you may have to still attend the gym.

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