Whether you are new to CrossFit or have been “WOD”-ing for years, you have undoubtedly experienced and/or witnessed the significant physical, mental, and social benefits of CrossFit training. Most of us have said or thought, “If only I had started this when I was young(er)!”

We are pleased to announce our goal for the upcoming school year is to offer CrossFit Kids and Teens classes at no cost.
The Center for Disease Control data indicates that 25% of children in the US are overweight and 18% are obese. This corresponds to nearly 25,000 kids statewide and more than 1,000 in Albany county. More troubling, the numbers are on the rise. About 70% of obese adolescents grow up to become obese adults. It is difficult to reduce excessive weight once it becomes established. Children should therefore be considered the priority population for intervention strategies.

Our CrossFit Kids program is entering it’s 4th year and we are excited to expand our program and it’s accessibility. Some of the changes will include:
-more emphasis and education on nutrition
-healthy after school snack for elementary kids classes
-mentorship from UW students
-incentive for activity outside the gym
-nutrition education for families
-advanced programming and separation for our more experienced kids and teens who do not need extensive instruction in basic skills

We are also including our services for kids in the “Healthy Pokes” program formerly associated with UW which provided no-cost, weekly after-school exercise and nutrition classes for elementary-aged kids at risk for obesity.
The program is now known as “Healthy Kids Rx”, a non-profit organization that the Laramie Community Foundation has adopted. Healthy Kids Rx will serve middle and high school (not just elementary) kids who are referred by pediatricians and school nurses/teachers. They will be integrated into existing CrossFit kids and teens classes utilizing UW mentors to maintain an optimal trainer-to-child ratio. We feel the addition of these youth will also provide our existing CFKids & Teens opportunities to encourage their peers who may be less comfortable with moving and assist them with movements and activities they have more experience with.

We feel all kids are at risk for obesity given it’s current epidemic levels in the U.S. In order to prevent disease, we believe every child should be taught the basics of nutrition, learn to love being active, and develop a realization that physical activity can (and should) exist beyond sports so that lifelong healthy habits are established early.

In order to fund the program we are pursuing grant funding and possible donors. Any donations from members of CrossFit 7220 and members of the community are greatly appreciated and will not only benefit our current CrossFit Kids but many others who many not be able to afford such activities. We are requesting that parents, who are able to, make a donation towards the program instead of paying class fees. This will eliminate punch cards, billing, and hassles with invoices (high school-aged teens attending adult classes with parents will still need to pay for those classes). If you are associated with any organization or business that would like to sponsor “Healthy Kids Rx” please let us know. Feel free to forward this information to anyone who might be interested in attending or supporting our kids programming.

To donate online:
visit the Healthy Kids Rx site and click the yellow "donate" box (PayPal account is not necessary to contribute). 100% of the proceeds will fund the “Healthy Kids Rx” program. Every little bit helps fund equipment, educational materials, coaching, snacks, and transportation.
To donate from your account at CrossFit 7220: email amount to healthykidsrx.info@gmail.com and the donation will be applied to your payment method currently on file.
To donate at the gym: drop cash or check in the Healthy Kids Rx dropbox at the gym or mail donation to:
Healthy Kids Rx 411 South 20th Street Laramie WY 82070
We hope to see many young faces soon! Click here for class schedules. Thank you for your support!